Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Greatest. Show. Ever.

Jj and I saw Trashcan Sinatras perform a shimmering acoustic show last night at The State Room. Blurry photo is from my tears over the iPhone's lens.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Mein Sohn, der Schauspieler

C5 made his stage debut portraying a Nazi soldier in Terezin. Knowing we were in the audience, he had to fight the urge to smile and keep a goose-stepping, stoic scowl on his face. Acting. Genius. Thank you.

Blue Belles

Birdy and Jj stopped by the office after a pedicure. The glamourous life, indeed.

Pretty Bird


Birdy made this dress from newspaper, duct tape and garbage bags. So proud.

Birdy's Big Surprise

Our little girl is growing up so fast. For her recent birthday, we blindfolded her and took her to get her ear's piereced. She went from really excited to super scared. She was a trooper, though, and made it though the blood and guts with flying colors.